Planetary Anomalies

Our solar system is largely unexplored, with only a small number of probes having been sent out to the major planets and moons. Not all of these probes have functioned as advertised and some have even been "lost" in mysterious circumstances!

However, some of them have returned very useful information on the planets like the Viking 1 & 2 Mars spacecraft who have had the honour of being the first to photograph Extra-Terrestrial Structures on our neighbouring planet.

From these and other photographs, it now is apparent to several researchers that there seems to be a link that connects every single object in our universe including our Earth, the Sun, and the other planets to a source of energy in a higher dimension. This discovery was the result of decoding a message, an ancient message, left to us by another civilization in the very structures which they built at Cydonia, Mars!

Below are the planetary anomalies discovered so far that confirm the Cydonia hypothesis. If energy cascades down from a higher dimension as a result of a rotating, spherical, liquid body (a planet), this energy enters our dimension at circa 19.5 degrees N or S latitude in the form of volcanic upwellings (as on Earth and Mars) and atmospheric phenomena (Jupiter, Neptune). This is known as



Alpha & Beta Regio, two active volcanoes on Venus are at 19.5 degrees.


The Hawaiian islands on Earth are located at roughly 19.6 degrees North latitude. This is also the location of MaunaKea one of the most active volcanoes on Earth!

The Moon

Tsiolkovskii is a unique farside "mare-like" lava extrusion at 19.6 degrees South.


Olympus Mons, the solar system's largest volcano with a height of 28 kms is 3 times the size of Mount Everest, and just happens to be located at 19.3 degrees North latitude!


Jupiter The Great Red Spot of Jupiter is located at ~19.5 degrees South latitude. In January 1996, the spacecraft Galileo successfully launched a probe into Jupiter's atmosphere and found that the atmosphere was different from what had been previously thought. It also found that winds were much stronger and could only be attributed to some heat being generated deep within the planet. This heat is probably caused by a vorticular upwelling of tetrahedral energy, which in turn causes the Great Red Spot!



The spacecraft Voyager took some very interesting time-lapse images of Saturn's North Pole, showing a hexagonal pattern of clouds. This may be the second "signature pattern" for tetrahedral hyperdimensional energy. At this location, the energy would be "inwelling" (entering) from a higher dimension, while "upwelling" at the 19.5 N or S latitude locations. Saturn's North Polar Hexagonal Cloud Pattern.


Neptune's Great Dark Spot was found at roughly 19.5 degrees South latitude by the Hubble Space Telescope. This discovery was predicted months previously by Richard Hoagland just by following the "Cydonia Equations".

These are a few of the anomalies. There are others - for example, the peak latitude of the 11-year sunspot cycle, and the peak latitude of solar temperature emission corresponding to that cyclic sunspot maximum, occurs at roughly 19.5 degrees North and South!

Active volcanoes on Io have been discovered at 19.5 degrees North & South.

..... and more anomalies are out there, just waiting to be discovered!

If we can somehow tap into this energy source, we wouldn't need fossil fuels anymore. We would have unlimited energy available for every person on this planet without pollution. And we may already have discovered ways of harnessing this energy : the so-called "cold fusion" demonstrated in 1989 by Pons & Fleischmann, and the Patterson Power Cell recently demonstrated in January 1996 may not be cold fusion at all but may be drawing on hyperdimensional energy to produce 1300 W from an input of 1.4 W !!

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